Hello! I’m Alex!
Ph.D. Candidate at Georgia State University

An experienced researcher, intern, and editor committed to pursuing graduate studies in Political Science with a focus on the intersection of American political institutions and public policy. Throughout my life, I’ve approached every challenge with enthusiasm, creativity, and ceaseless desire to achieve success. This passion and drive have paved the way to countless opportunities, unique experiences and exceptional relationships both personally and professionally. If you’re interested in learning more about me, keep reading or get in touch.

My Experience
Roles & Responsibilities
Graduate Research Assistant,
Georgia State University
August 2020 - Present
Assisting with supporting academic programing and creating departmental coursework. Additionally, conducting research exploring the elite-level speech content, evaluating elite-level social media usage, and classifying legislation.
Graduate Fellow, Scholars Strategy Network
July 2022 - Present
Providing administrative and organizational support for the Georgia Network of SSN. Developing programing and networking to support election integrity efforts in Georgia.
Graduate Fellow,
The Council of State Governments
April 2022 - June 2023
Provided non-partisan research and research driven policy support for state legislators throughout the Southeast. Assisted with preparing public facing material in a wide array of policy areas.

Learning & Living
PhD Political Science,
Georgia State University
August 2020 - Present
Major Field: American Politics
Minor Field: Public Law
MA Political Science,
Georgia State University
August 2020 - May 2022
Concentration: American Politics
Masters in Passing Paper: Here’s How You Should Pass It: Interest Group Influence and Model Legislation in the U.S. Congress
BA Political Science & American Studies,
Erskine College
August 2016 - May 2020
Minors: History & Psychology
Capstone Research Project: Single Issue Voting in the American Southeast
Senior Theses: Many Houses, Many Realms: Collapse of Coalition Governing and Perceived Support for the EU
(Political Science), Star Trek: Where No Country Has Gone Before (American Studies)
My Skill Set
What I Do


Public Facing Scholarship

"Let us tenderly and kindly cherish therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write."
John Adams
Let’s Connect
1035 Langdale Hall, 38 Peachtree Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30303
(803) 236-6567